How to create a Manual portfolio

George -

Manual portfolios are what you can use to create watchlists for holdings you do not own yet, but want to keep an eye on. They can also be used to be a stand in for brokerages that we cannot link with yet. 


The difference between a manual portfolio and a synced portfolio is that the manual portfolio will not automatically update its number of shares and its cost basis when trades are made on your brokerage account. The value will still follow the market and will show you how they are performing, but you will need to adjust them as trades are made to properly match. 


Step 1:

Setting up a Manual portfolio is easy. Just sign into SigFig and go to your "Holdings" tab at the top of the screen. 


Step 2:

From here, select "Create A Manual Portfolio" by using the button beneath the brokerages. 


Step 3:

This will open up the manual portfolio screen where you can fully create a manual portfolio.

1. You will need to enter a name for your portfolio to proceed. You can name it anything you like. Bills Portfolio, IRA, Stocks to Watch, etc. 

2. Press this button to add any additional cash that is uninvested in the portfolio. If you only have stocks and no cash, you can skip this step. 

3. Press "+Add Holding" to add in a stock. It will create a new blank bar where you can enter in the name or ticker symbol of the stock, then you can select it from the list that appears.

Once you click the name of the company, you will be able to enter in the Shares and the Avg Cost Per Share


4. Once you have entered in all of your stocks and their info, you can press "Create Portfolio". This will add the portfolio to your "Holdings" tab. 


If you press "Create Portfolio" and nothing happens, check over your entries. The system will highlight any problems in red. Special characters like letters or commas in the fields can occasionally cause issues and will need to be deleted. Check the entries in red and see if you can save after correcting them. 


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