To ADD a holding to your existing manual portfolio:
1. Log into your SigFig account and click on the Holdings tab in the top center of your screen.
2. Click on the downward arrow (1) to the right of the portfolio you want to edit and select "Edit Portfolio" (2) from the dropdown.
3. Click "+ Add Holding" at the bottom of the page.
4. In the empty box that appears, type in the ticker symbol and select the company from the box that appears below.
5. Now that the ticker has appeared, you can enter in the number of shares (1) and the avg cost per share (2) in the fields provided. Total cost will calculate automatically.
6. Press SAVE and you are done.
Note: If pressing Save does not work, there may be something preventing you from saving. Check to see if any fields have turned red on your screen. If they are highlighted in red, it means there is a problem. Double check to see if there are any letters or other special characters that may not belong in this field.