How do I deposit money into my SigFig Managed Account?

Megan Crowley -

Depositing funds into your SigFig account is easy. Once the funds are deposited, they will be automatically distributed amongst your allocations. 

1. Log into your SigFig account and click on the Managed tab on the left.



2. Click "Add Funds" next to the managed account you would like to add an amount into. 



3. Enter the amount you'd like to deposit, click Make Deposit and you're done! Your new funds will be invested and your account will be rebalanced automatically.


If you need to link new bank account from the original one you have added, you can add more through the "Settings" screen. All you need to do is click on your username in the upper right and click on "Settings"


Next, just click on Bank information on the far right.


After this, just follow the instructions to link a new bank account. This will let you deposit or withdraw from a different account. 

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