How to hide a portfolio

George -

You can now hide portfolios from your grand total, charts, and widgets if you decide you no longer wish to see this portfolio as part of your total holdings. 

To start, tab on the Holdings page in the upper right of the Overview page. 


Once you see all of your portfolios, tap the icon to edit your portfolios in the top left of the screen. 


Here, you will see all of your portfolios with a red checkmark to left of each name. If you tap this checkmark it will remove the checkmark, which means the portfolio is now hidden. Any portfolios without a checkmark will be hidden until the checkmark is added back in by simply tapping the portfolio again. 


If you portfolio does not automatically disappear from your holdings screen, try refreshing your app completely. This should make it be removed from your view. 

If you run into any issues, please let us know at


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