About SigFig Asset Manager
- What's SigFig?
- What kinds of fees can SigFig help me reduce or avoid?
- How much does it cost to have you manage my portfolio?
- What do I get with a SigFig Managed Account?
- What do you mean by a well-balanced portfolio?
- Where can I learn more about your performance?
- How do you handle dividends in my SigFig Managed Account?
- How do I pay for my SigFig Managed Account?
- How are the answers to my questions mapped to an asset allocation?
- Who will send my tax documents?
- How much does it cost to rebalance my SigFig Managed Account?
- What do you invest in?
- Will my final asset allocation match up exactly with the optimal allocation I see online?
- Where can I see how I'll be invested?